Make sure you charge what you're worth!Defining the price of a service and a product is a recurrent question among freelancers and people starting their business, a natural step to understand how much you should charge to keep things running and providing for yourself or the people you're responsible for! Have you ever had any of the following questions? - How much should I price? - How much should I earn? - Should I charge per hour or per day? - Or should I just charge per month? - How much profit margin should I aim for? - What if the client ask for a discount, how much can I offer without losing money? - What expenses should I consider? - Can I work less than 8h a day, 25 days per month and don't go broke? If you're facing any of the questions above, I can help you out! Budgeting don't need to be complex, especially when we're talking about individual costs or small businesses. It's quite common that when budgeting we consider only our immediate expenses, but because of that it's also common to price only the bare minimum to survive. We need to provide you with enough money to be prepared for unexpected expenses, but most of all, to live life with quality when your business can provide you that! With that in mind, I've compiled over a decade of learnings in budgeting services, entrepreneurship and administration into a sensible spreadsheet that takes you through only 4 simple steps to identify your costs and determine you sales price. You can preview the spreadsheet here and download it through the button below: Hope this document helps you to define a proper cost for your services and an understanding of how much you cost, and most important of all, how much you deserve to earn and to spend with yourself!
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AuthorWith over 11 years of experience pioneering and managing XR projects, Jonathan has specialized into the management of creative teams and planning projects for B2B, arts, heritage and marketing. ArchivesCategories |